Heaven on Earth for a Book Lover…

          Have you ever felt like going to a secluded place far away from the usual raucous and monotony of your life? Have you ever wanted oh so desperately to have a place somewhere in the lap of nature where you could engulf yourself in the refreshing aura of what the nature has to offer? Have you ever wanted to close your eyes only to open them to find yourself in a room full of books stacked all over?

       Well, there is one such place on our planet earth. Yes it is true that we have our own heaven on earth beckoning us; waiting to wrap its cool soothing arms around our withering souls. And yes this place is indeed in the very depths of the nature.

          It is Hemmelig Rom or “secret room”, a secluded private library in upstate New York. This library is so beautiful and magnificent that it seems straight out of a book lover’s wildest imagination. This place is located in the heart of the woods surrounded by trees from all sides so that one can instantly feel calm and away from the worldly worries. The library is made of wood from oak trees and is a beautiful lively structure with a tall glass window that has an enchanting view of the nature outside; certainly a sight for sore eyes. The interior is equally glorious with huge tall shelves filled with books from top to bottom, a fireplace, a bed, a small desk, and an armchair to keep one warm and cozy and comfortable; all at the same time. Surely it is like a palace for a bibliophile.



         I have always dreamt of having such a place by myself for like eternity. I would simply imprison myself in such a sweet hell and would never ever ever let anybody rescue me; not even a charming prince or an ogre for that matter ( if you know what I mean) :p . So all those people who can visit this place, please do so without having any second thoughts. Just leave everything and set off to this place for a really really long vacation and simply live, even if it is for a while… 🙂

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